What is Precision Phonics ?
Precision Phonics is based on the principles of precision teaching (PT). It is designed to build a student’s decoding skills and enable them to overlearn the phonemes they will use in reading and spelling, developing phonological awareness, understanding and reading fluency.
The programme contains different categories, including nonsense words, giving students structured and effective grapheme and phoneme training. This is more effective than simply using real words, which can be learnt by sight.
The programme aims to help students develop their phonological skills as the foundations upon which they can further build their reading skills. Precision Phonics has been developed following thorough research into the reading process and its many influencing factors.
Focussing on phonological awareness and development (especially in connection to graphemes and phonemes), helps children experiencing reading difficulties and those reading below their age-related expectations. This builds the foundational skills they need to progress in a systematic manner. In addition, the later stages of the programme, targeted at fluent readers, look at additional reading skills, together with spelling, dictation exercises and sentence comprehension.
What is included in Precision Phonics ?
Six levels are provided and a Placement Test is incorporated to enable accurate starting points for students taking part in the programme.
In addition, assessment for learning is built into the programme, through the Standard Celeration Chart.
There is also a Supporting Resources document, providing a wealth of information, guidance and materials.
Precision Phonics is priced at just £250 per school and includes all the resources available
Order Precision Phonics
When you are ready to order, please contact us by email info@precisionphonics.co.uk confirming your school, contact and preferred payment method (eg. invoice, card, transfer, PayPal) and we’ll get in touch to confirm the order.